Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Juggling life has never been easy. I'm always like this since the beginning of time. Such a worrier. I let my mind play tricks in my head, then make myself feel miserable, then fight it and bounce back. If someone will reside in my head, surely they will end up in mental facility. I'm such a dork, and weird, and positive, and a mess, all tossed and mixed.
The only thing that makes me sane is the fact that I have these strings of dreams that I keep on reaching without knowing it. I guess my fate has to shake me a li'l bit for me to realize that my dreams are already in front of me, all I have to do is pay attention, focus and listen. Oh gosh, I get distracted easily!!! That's my problem. Plus the tricks, plus the worrisome. It gets cumbersome! hahaha dorky Karen.
I love my life. I'm an emotional wreck, sometimes stupid and idiot lady but I will not trade this life. You know. What am I saying?! See! I'm such a mess. 

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