Friday, January 4, 2019

Grit or Treat

It's really exciting to write down all the things you want to do during the first week of the year! This feeling stays with me up until today. Look, I'm 34 years old and I'm still giddy with writing random things on my planner and keeping piles of notebooks that I'm really sure, I won't be able to finish all the pages by end of the year. Old habits are hard to die.

I'm reading my first book for this year. The goal is to read 1 book every 2 months. I was so lazy last year, I didn't read anything at all. SocMed consumed most of my free time, and really, it sucks to think about it. Felt like I wasted my time. But that is for another time.

Anyhow, so I'm into this book "Grit" by Angela Duckworth. She has PhD and Psychologist by profession. The book is like an extensive explanation of how grit works in our life.

Disclaimer: This entry is not a review of the book, btw. I just want to share the beauty of this book. You might want to read it sometime.

Some points struck me to the core. Like for example, she has this grit scale- that'll measure how gritty you are compared to other Americans. Grit is 50% passion and 50% perseverance. My result is 70%. But what surprised me is the breakdown. I'm around 4.8 passion and 1.6 perseverance! And all the while I thought I'm diligent and hardworking person! This kind of result is what they called "Passion Fantasizing". Wherein a person easily develops a passion for something but never see the end of it. Hahaha. That folks is so me. Unless I'm coerced or pressured to finish a task, that's the only time I will finish it. Bummer.

I'm still halfway. But I intend to finish it. I have so many projects running thru my mind so crossed fingers, I will be able to finish at least half of it. :) Here I go again. I really hope I can pick up one tip or two from this book to work on my grit scale. With the current status of my life right now, "fantasizing" and misplaced passion will not bring me to the finish line. Grit will do. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

To 2019 and Beyond (not so original, oh well)

Here comes another year! Welcome, 2019!
For some reason, I do not have any sappy posts about 2018. I usually have all these lengthy posts about what was the year is all about; struggles, good times and bad times. But this year, I ran out of words to say. I felt like I was just staring 2018, disappearing in thin air, deep in thought.

I'm always excited about new year. It's like I'm being handed-over with blank contract, and I'll be the sole author. New year = new beginnings. Hahaha. I'm actually mocking myself while writing this as cliches keep on running on top of my head. Heck. I don't care. This is exactly what a blank-contract is all about. :)

So, what am I looking forward to this year? Hmmm

  • work-life balance (guess working in a MNC is pushing my "urgency" buttons all the time)
  • SAVE man! SAVE
  • residence visa for the little nudger
  • US visa for the hot momma
  • Lose weight! (OMG, this is the heaviest weight I've been since forever)
  • Remove toxic people in life
  • Be more kind and generous (with precaution)
  • Be thankful all the time
  • Travel!!
  • Learn something new
  • Grit
  • Fit and Fab
  • Get engaged??? Hahaahahaha oopsss. This is out of my control! But well, I'm really looking forward for this :D
  • Etc etc etc
I'm getting older. I know and feel that. But I do hope I'm also becoming wiser. I have a different take with what YOLO is all about so, can we conclude that I'm getting wiser?? 
34 years of existence. Lest the external pressures, I'm indeed very lucky to be at this particular moment. Can't complain.
All roads lead to one destination, now.