Monday, July 18, 2022

Hysteroscopic Polypectomy Surgery

 July 17, 2022

I did it. Without giving so much thought to it, apart from I really want to do everything to have a baby soon, I underwent minor surgery to remove 1 polyp in my uterus. I am very thankful for the grace and mercy of the Lord. He is indeed the best doctor and our protector all the time. 

It was December 2021 when my OB saw the polpys in my uterus. We gave it some time to have it removed/flushed naturally through my monthly period. Unfortunately, 7 months after, it was still there. Back in February - April, I had irregular bleeding. My period cycle changed from 35 days to 15-18 days. It was alarming from my side because I can no longer track my period. We are trying to conceive and it is important that we keep track of dates. 

I told myself I have to take charge of this. I am not getting any younger anymore and the risk of not getting pregnant is elevating day by day. I made all the consultations and considerations. With the support of my OBs, my dear husband, and my readiness to take charge of the situation, we did the surgery.

Perhaps, it is not a special case because I feel that there are lots of women out there probably experiencing, or worst have to endure the consequences of this kind of condition. I'm lifting prayers for them that they may have the courage to face it and be more aware of their bodies. :)

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