Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 3 Mike Dolce workout

Damn the calves! And now, damn the hamstrings! I cannot work properly without limping. My gosh, I need to do some foam rolling and massage. 

Day 3 is Mike D's exercise. It was ok at first, well because its plank. But the succeeding exercises were not. Gerald pushed me to my limits.. like maximum reps! 

After warm up of 4 sets of 20x squats, 15x shoulder press and 30x jumping jacks, we did 5x 30 sec of plank.
Mid box Step up, left and right legs, 50x each. 
Single leg dumbell deadlift - 25x each side, 2 sets
Calves raise 4x sets of 20 reps. All with 5lbs of dumbells. 
I had to stop early because my hamstrings started to twitch. Painful painful reps. But overall, it was a good workout. I dont know if I will do an exercise tomorrow. Let us see. 

Food is pretty much the same. Altho I am getting hungier everytime. Tomorrow will be different i hope. I hit 56.9kg this morning. I had to lower it and should not exceed 57kg anymore.

Goodnight, Angel❤


Day 2 Run + Core

I'm supposed to blog yesterday, but I fell asleep, I guess. It was a tiring day. Started early and slept at past midnight. 

Gerald and I ran last saturday. Outside!! Finally, after a month or so. Have I mentioned that it is covid 19 pandemic crisis? We are still on lockdown, but last Friday, Dubai Government eased the policy. We are now allowed to move freely from 6am to 10pm. No more permits. But we still have to observe wearing mask, gloves and social distancing. It was nice to see and feel the sun again. 

Ok back to work out. We ran 3kms outside at 930am. Summer is about to begin here, so it was probably 34 or 36c. It was bearable but running wearing mask is a challenge. Nonetheless, it was a great feeling to run outside. After that, we did core exercises, then some stretching for me. I ran tiptoed so my calves are killing me. 
I had protein shake, with coconut water and blueberries. We had scrambled egg for lunch and sumo stir fry chicken. It was a good meal. Dinner was beef mechado. Snacks is the most guilt-laiden meal. We have ube cheese pandesal, maja blanca and mac salad. Thank goodness these food were on their last servings. Finally, I can focus more on my food this week. We dont want to throw food. Might as well eat it and burn 

So work out breakdown:
3kms run
3 sets of the following

20x sit ups
15x lower leg raise
15 each side russian twist with 5lbs
60 sec plank

Cool down 

Again, 80% of our diet is food. We are trying to eat healthy. Almost there. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

4 weeks Body Transformation starts today

Day 1 - Cardio + Body Weights HIIT

So, I decided to challenge myself to 1 month of religious diet and exercise. Gah! I've been in a yoyo diet since the start of lockdown. I do exercise but my food intake is good to bad to rubbish. Do not get mad at me, i blame it to quarantine! 😁 Uhm, yeah, I should be the one to blame on this. My laziness and undisciplined ways of eating. 🤥

We subscribed to Mike Dolce's diet and exercise program. Yap, Gerald and I. He is been a fan since waaaaaaayyyyyy back but I think this is his first time to subscribe. It has video exercises and meal plans for each day. Honestly, if only we are not distracted, we can do it ourselved. But knowing me, I need structure. 

Here is what I did today. 

Warm up
4 sets
20x squats
15x shoulder press
30x jumping jacks
10x burpees
15x each side lunges
15x bicep curls
15x push ups
60sec mountain climbers
15x each side dumbel rows

I fast today. So my first meal is lunch. Tonkatsu and scrambled eggs. Mac salad and lots of water. For snacks, some cashew nuts and dinner is cauliflower pizza with half portion of keto cookies.

As part of this journey, I will blog everyday to record what I have done. 30 days of blogging! Really hope to God I finish what I have started.

The goal basically is to get fit and learn to eat clean during lockdown. This is the short term goal. But most importantly, develop a habit, a clean good habit and put myself again to the realms of discipline. I need this now in preparation for the future. I felt like Ive been a slacker for so long. Not just with my health, but with my dreams and goals as well. I have to start something to feel the urgency of discipline. 

Dont worry, Im not being too hard on myself. I just felt like too much comfort is a discipline killer. You tend to be lazy. So, yeah, off I go! 

Weight - 55kg
Low sugar, low carb eating habits 
Laser focus attitude 

-K 😊