Friday, April 24, 2020

4 weeks Body Transformation starts today

Day 1 - Cardio + Body Weights HIIT

So, I decided to challenge myself to 1 month of religious diet and exercise. Gah! I've been in a yoyo diet since the start of lockdown. I do exercise but my food intake is good to bad to rubbish. Do not get mad at me, i blame it to quarantine! 😁 Uhm, yeah, I should be the one to blame on this. My laziness and undisciplined ways of eating. 🤥

We subscribed to Mike Dolce's diet and exercise program. Yap, Gerald and I. He is been a fan since waaaaaaayyyyyy back but I think this is his first time to subscribe. It has video exercises and meal plans for each day. Honestly, if only we are not distracted, we can do it ourselved. But knowing me, I need structure. 

Here is what I did today. 

Warm up
4 sets
20x squats
15x shoulder press
30x jumping jacks
10x burpees
15x each side lunges
15x bicep curls
15x push ups
60sec mountain climbers
15x each side dumbel rows

I fast today. So my first meal is lunch. Tonkatsu and scrambled eggs. Mac salad and lots of water. For snacks, some cashew nuts and dinner is cauliflower pizza with half portion of keto cookies.

As part of this journey, I will blog everyday to record what I have done. 30 days of blogging! Really hope to God I finish what I have started.

The goal basically is to get fit and learn to eat clean during lockdown. This is the short term goal. But most importantly, develop a habit, a clean good habit and put myself again to the realms of discipline. I need this now in preparation for the future. I felt like Ive been a slacker for so long. Not just with my health, but with my dreams and goals as well. I have to start something to feel the urgency of discipline. 

Dont worry, Im not being too hard on myself. I just felt like too much comfort is a discipline killer. You tend to be lazy. So, yeah, off I go! 

Weight - 55kg
Low sugar, low carb eating habits 
Laser focus attitude 

-K 😊

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